It was love at first sight when we met Chantelle. She is a loving, kind and wonderful
little girl who gives her all in everything she does. The words 'I can't' are not part of her vocabulary.--Wally & Anne Griswold (Chantelle's Mom & Dad)
This site is dedicated to parents like Anne & Wally...
who never cease to inspire us to be better parents, to love our children unconditionally
and to never give up no matter what the obstacles.
Chantelle was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, moderate to severe. As a young child
she came to live with Anne and Wally Griswold. Anne and Wally had a son who was just
ready to leave the nest. They started to visualize their future without children when
this blue-eyed, blonde-haired beauty toddled into their lives.
At first Anne and Wally provided Chantelle's biological mother with respite. They cared for
Chantelle on weekend's and soon there was a strong bond between the Griswold's and this little
angel. The temporary arrangement became permanent and the Griswold's were determined to make
it work for Chantelle's sake.
Chantelle at ten learned to put on and take off her braces by herself. No easy feat! But,
all part of the need for independence that drives Chantelle. Now, at twelve she only uses
her walker at school.
She is an "A" student, who loves school, is a whiz on the computer and enjoys playing
chess with her Dad. She dreams one day of becoming a teacher. And, with Chantelle, anything
is possible. The little girl with the big smile and the big heart has the drive and
determination to make her dreams come true.
It's not an easy road. When a child has a disability such as cerebral palsy, the parents
take on many new roles. Just think of all the professionals these kids come in contact with
during their lives. Now take all those professions and wrap them up into one person. No easy
feat for a person to take on but a parent who has a child with a disability does just that.
Her parents constantly keep Chantelle challenged. Besides playing in an organized
baseball league (which her Dad is active in), she has learned to swim without using her water
wings, attends art camp and Ju-jitzu. She also takes part in a 4-week alternative therapy
program - Conductive Education at The Grandview Childrens Centre. The program was paid for
by parents who raised more than $15,000 to bring the specially trained conductors to
Canada from Hungary. According to her parents, the intensive program has proven to be
very helpful for Chantelle, giving her much more confidence in her walking.
Chantelle's Mother Has a Personal Message For Our Visitors
Conductive education teaches children with cerebral palsy to walk unaided, feed
themselves, sit up straight and many everyday tasks you and I take for granted. The cost
of this program is $1,700.00 per child (Canadian Funds). My goal is to raise enough sponsorship
so no child is left out because of lack of funds. There is no financial assistance available for this program; therefore, parents must bear the full cost. I am one of those parents. Conductive Education of Durham is a charitable Foundation and all donations are tax deductible. For more
information or to donate please email us at the link below.
For more information check out the following links